A Guide about GHD One Plate Not Working Problems

Ghd one plate not working? Ghd heater elements can sometimes crack or more commonly the connecting wires get damaged due to age. In either situation we will replace the GHD heater elements that are faulty and check all other components, within you ghds, to ensure safe and reliable use in the future.

If your GHD with the beeping feature has one plate not working, you will find that it is the plate on the same side of the power switch that has failed. This is a very common fault and we can repair it by replacing the heater and also resolving the issue that may have caused it. We also fully check the opposing heater and carry out a full temperature test to ensure that your GHDs are working at the exact specified temperature.

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If you are having other issues with your GHD plates, Please see the below links
GHD Loose Plates
GHD Heater Problems

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